Sunday, August 30, 2009

When we move...

I'll miss the ocean!

I'll miss the waves.

I'll miss the fog rolling in from the sea.

I'll miss the ocean birds and the seals.

I'll miss the sand.

I'll miss silhouetted sunset pictures.

I'll miss bonfires on the beach...roasting hot dogs and corn on the coals.

I'll miss the look on visitors' faces when they take in the scenic beauty of the Oregon coastline.

I'll miss the tide pools.

I'll miss the impossibly clear rivers.

I'll miss the lighthouses.

The kids will miss it too. Hyrum thinks going to the beach is too messy, so I don't know that he'll miss it much, but the kids and I will. I took them there the other day while Hyrum was in a meeting and we just fed the seagulls, played in the sand, and smelled the sea air for one of our last times in who knows how long.

I'll also miss places like Crater Lake,

and the Medford Temple,

but they won't be as far away.

Moving will be incredibly bittersweet.


When I met Hyrum, he had a twang.

A verbal twang.

It's an accent, of sorts (yet I'M the one who gets asked about MY accent, dang it!). Its from a conglomeration of areas since he moved around so much as a child. The strongest influences (as far as I can recognize) seem to be from Wyoming and Texas.

He's slowly losing his twang.

It's sad.

Though with the loss, he sounds a bit more...educated, or...articulate... or, less redneck...

I didn't really realize he was losing it (since I'm around him all the time), until I heard his voice on video from back in the late 90's, and I was shocked how...redneck or twangy it sounded.

Lest he loses it forever, I'm documenting some of the words he says "twangy". These are the only ones I can remember right now.

Cran................... crayon
Powl.................... pal
Hill...................... heel
Heel.................... hill
Pill...................... peel
Peel.................... pill

You won't catch him admitting to his twang, so you just have to keep your ear open for it.

I like his twang. It's endearing. It's part of what drew me to him, since it made him sound like a cowboy and I always had a thing for cowboys.

He's turned out to be an excellent husband and father. I always knew he would be.

He's my best friend, twang and all.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First tooth!?

Paisli cut her first tooth!! It's her bottom, middle, left...I don't know dentist lingo.

I'm shocked! She's only 6 months! Tilly and Hyatt were 10 months when they cut their first ones. Kiersa was 9 months. What in the world happened here!?

Now I have to start brushing her tooth! Bummer.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Buckle Up!

I'm thinking I could open up my own car seat store!

We, by law, are required to have our kids in these car seats! 4 seats! These are the seats I had to take out of my van to wash after our trip, and reinstall afterward. What a pain. If you haven't disassembled a car seat lately in order to wash all of its various straps, covers, buckles and frame, you are one of the luckiest people on this planet. It's a horrific chore. Especially with 4 of them!

I have discovered that out of the Cluff's and Johnson's, and probably all of my friends that I know, I'm the most strict car seat/seat belt user of them all. I've rubbed off on my kids, and if you get in my car and don't immediately buckle your seat belt, my kids will be all over you, saying, "Put your seat belt on!!!" My dad got it frequently.


Normally if my kids want to take something from Kiersa, they just grab it, which results in a tug-of-war and/or screaming.

Kiersa has wised up to them and usually ends up spinning in a circle with her toy-bearing arm guarded as the other child chases that arm in an attempt to snatch the toy.

Not to be outsmarted, Tilly has discovered the power of distraction. Tonight, when Tilly wanted the toy Kiersa had, rather than battling her growing sister, Tilly exclaimed, "Kiersa, LOOK! A zebra!!" What child could resist a glimpse of a zebra trotting through their own living room? Of course Kiersa looked, and Tilly got the toy.

I wonder how long it will take for Kiersa to wise up to that gimmick.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Utah or bust!

We went to Utah.

Tilly brought along the alligator lizard she caught, and a garter snake and two large grasshoppers. Oh, a spider, too. She later accidentally snapped the lizard's tail off when he was escaping into the car's DVD player, to which her comment was, "Eeww, his tail is still wiggling." The lizard proceeded to get lost in the car, and has never been recovered. She caught a second garter snake in Utah, but she released the snakes and grasshoppers and spider outside.

On our way, we of course stopped for our traditional rolling of rocks off the Cliffs of Insanity in Eastern Oregon.

I guess we should have seen the signs of impending jinxes when we got to the salt flats and the wind took the visibility from bad

to worse. SCARY worse!

After the salt storms, came the smoke storm from fires by the freeway.

We went for a Johnson reunion of sorts, and to get our van door fixed, BUT...

We caught the stomach flu that the Johnson clan had just gotten over the week before.

I was the only one in our little family who didn't lose the contents of their stomach (you can thank my cast iron Cluff stomach for that...and the suspicious Babcock food I was raised on that made me immune to any stomach-churning toxins). Instead I suffered from severe sleep deprivation since any move or peep from the kids in the night jolted me awake and sent me running in case there would be vomit.

We stayed in Gram and Gramps immaculate basement...the LAST place in the world you would want to be spreading sickness and vomit.

Could the Jinx get any worse? Of course!

Talea gave Hyrum a rude awakening in the night after crawling into bed with us by throwing up all over him and Kiersa.

The van ended up costing A LOT more than anticipated to get fixed.

We caught a cold, WHILE suffering from the stomach flu.

We went out to dinner at a rib joint with some of the family, and Kiersa choked on her french fry and threw up all over, twice.

Yet, amidst the vomit, diarrhea, runny noses, head aches, coughing and borrowing cars while ours was getting fixed, we managed to have A LOT of fun. It was our most enjoyable visit yet! Probably because it wasn't a rushed trip with a deadline to get home. We didn't want to leave!!! It even made us want to move out to Utah to be closer to family! And for a visit to make us want to move to the desert of Utah after being in the green paradise of the Oregon coast, it must have been great.

We visited Hyrum's dad's grave.

We had lots of get-togethers!
We got to hang out with Tana and her family a lot too!!!
Here is Hyrum holding (from left to right) Marlee (David's girl), Omar (Tana's boy) and Paisli (ours of course). Omar is 2 1/2 weeks younger than Paisli, and Marlee is 5 weeks younger.

Marlee and Paisli are pretty much opposites. Dark features/light features. Hairy/bald. Innie/outie. Strictly breast-fed/mostly bottle-fed. Skinny/chubby (do they take after their daddies?...nahh).

We had a family picnic and pictures (though we were still reeling from the stomach flu).

The kids were introduced to Duck-duck-goose, Red-Rover and Fag-Tag (who made up THAT name?).

The babies (Marlee, Rocky and Paisli) got a chance to play together. Rocky is Teresa's son who is 6 weeks younger than Paisli.

Teresa was a stellar Aunt to my kids, as always.

Tilly was in absolute heaven with so many cousins to play with, and is now wishing we lived in Utah so she could play with them.

Hyatt was just there for the food.

And Kiersa was just there to be cute and love on her Aunt Maren. I'm not kidding, Kiersa was obsessed with Maren! She would call for her all the time and only wanted to be with her, not me.

We took some spur-of-the-moment sibling pictures, even though Rachel wasn't there. At least we had 6 together at once! Getting a serious picture out of this family is next to impossible! Between the barbeque smoke and the fanny-pinching, it was rough getting a decent picture. Such a fun family!

Here are all the sisters with their mom, minus Rachel (Teresa, Maren, Nana, Susan and Elisabeth).

There's even a squeeze from Teresa for Rachel!

The two boys of the family, Hyrum and David...10 years apart in age. If the baby of the family is always the spoiled one, what is the #3 child?

The favorite!!!

Even with the age gap, they have similar interests...uhhh, spitting sunflower seeds.

Tana's boy, Omar, and Paisli got to hang out, which is cool since poor Kiersa has never met her Smith cousins who are only about 6 weeks older than her.

Paisli is constantly scowling,

while Omar constantly looks surprised,

so it's only fitting that they were both doing their famous faces with each other.

Rocky joined the tummy-time,

and so did Marlee (though she was asleep).

Hyrum with his Johnson and Smith siblings that had babies within 6 weeks of Paisli.
David & Marlee, Tana & Omar, Hyrum & Paisli and Teresa & Rocky.

They're imitating what their baby is doing...sleeping, looking up, crying and sneezing.

We also went to Thanksgiving Point while there for the first time ever. We went to the dinosaur museum since they were having cheap admission that day. Too bad that EVERYONE else in Utah county was there too to make it choked with people.

Hyrum was frustrated with the crowds and pretty much bored stiff...until he remembered he could entertain himself by offering our kids as sacrifices to the displays.

Next we went to the Monte Bean museum (Dakota's favorite in his early childhood) and Tilly was in heaven with all the animals and bugs.

She got picked to imitate a turtle and was lucky enough to wear a real turtle shell while the guide pretended to be a grizzly attacking her.

We played at Raging Waters since Rain got us in with a great discount. The jinx struck when I got whiplash on one of the rides. What's up with that?

There was a big-rig truck show at Thanksgiving Point, so we went to that, but it was rather disappointing.

The coolest thing was the quad pulling a train of cow-cars. Tilly and Hyatt LOVED it! They sat in the first two seats.

The tree climbing was a hit too, and Kiersa's old enough to want to join in.

They also thought it was pretty cool to look around inside the semis.

Poor Paisli is always in a stroller or car seat in pictures since she's such a tub-o-lard. She gets so heavy so fast!

We swam at Nana's several times, and before we left, we had another family get-together at her house where we barbecued and went to the park.

Awww, Tilly and Braxton holding hands.

When we'd been there for almost 2 weeks, it was finally time to head home. We didn't want to go, but our van was fixed and we had looked into schools and housing, just in case. We didn't want to leave Utah this time! I know. Crazy.

We took the Boise route home and stayed with Hyrum's cousin, Josh. Hyatt threw up in the night! Of all the rotten luck!! So not only did we give Gram a laundry nightmare while we were at her house, we left infected laundry at the Smart's! Turns out, their kids got sick from us a few days later and a much anticipated backpacking trip was canceled because of it. Dang the jinx! So so sorry guys!

In Burns, Oregon, we stopped at a gas station that even Edward would be proud of.

We went to Bend to look into a school there, and found a sweet lava flow not far from there. I'm telling you, the west is nothing but scenic routes and cool locations!

There was a super-cool lava castle there with neat peep holes that pinpointed and named the various volcanoes and mountains around. How have I never been here before?

Of course there was a car-fire in the road on our way home that had emergency crews blocking the road for hours, so we turned around and found a park in the woods in a tiny town and let the kids play until it was cleared up.

Though the jinx threw it's punches left and right, we still managed to have such a great time. We even got to visit with Darin for the first time since he married Teresa!! Yeah! We miss all our Johnson and Smith family out there and hope to move closer in the future.