Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wedded bliss

Kaylynn is the first of my parents' grandkids to get married. She's 19 and she married her long-time love, Kevin Muntifering. They've been together since Kaylynn was 13.

We missed her wedding at the Portland temple because Kiersa and Paisli came down with high fevers and vomiting just before we were supposed to leave. That meant we missed her Ashland reception too, but we DID make it to her Coquille reception a little over a week later.

These are some of my favorite pictures I took from the festivities.


The cake

Parents of the bride

Parents of the groom

The happy couple

The little flower girls (Tilly's in the middle)

The bride with the flower girls





My niece, Jasmine, and my girls

Dallas and Kiersa Milly

Silly Milly


Kiersa's best friend is Moira, but Kiersa only knows her as "Mo".

Mo is one month older than Kiersa and in our ward. They pal around together like this all the time. Not many things are cuter than two curly-headed year-and-a-half girls holding hands wherever they go.

The other day, my Grandma Anna came by our place and saw Kiersa chewing on her tongue and said, "Oh, you got that from me!" Grandma and all her siblings (except for one) all chew on their tongue when they're concentrating or distracted. She said her curls came from the George's though. Kiersa is my first curly-headed kid.

Now, if only I can figure out who Kiersa's ultra-sensitive gag reflex came from and her annoying insistence that she take her right, and only her right, shoe and sock off ALL DAY LONG! Especially in the car. We have yet to go more than a couple blocks before her right foot is bare, and if she can't get it bare herself, her bloody-murder screams get someone to take them off for her in order to have peace and quiet.

England, revisited

This time last year we were in England. *sigh*

Trafalgar Square

Bateman's (where the author of Jungle Book, Rudyard Kipling, lived)


White cliffs of Dover


Top of Eiffel Tower (in Paris of course)

Cheddar gorge

Bodiam castle

Top of the London Eye

Leeds Castle

Click here, and scroll down to September 6 (almost at the bottom) to read my posts about it, starting with day 1. I posted daily for 2 1/2 weeks about our adventures, so there's a lot there to read.

It was so nice.
So much fun.
So interesting!

When we were there, we noticed a disturbing new fashion trend. Men wearing cardigans!! (Gag)

Daisha told me that London is the fashion leader and that I could expect to see men wearing cardigans in the US in about a year or so. I shuddered at the thought!

Today, a Land's End catalog came to my house. Guess what was on the cover?
Cardigans are all the rage here now!!! Right on schedule.

Paisley (the pattern) was also super fashionable out there, and now it's popular here too. We found it appropriate to name our baby Paisli since I was 4 months pregnant with her while we were in England around paisley stuff all the time.

(And one final note...I took the obnoxious word verification off my comments, AND I put my comment box as a pop up AND I allow anonymous comments so you don't even have to log in,'s SUPER quick and convenient to comment! No one has the excuse to silently blog stalk anymore! I'm beginning to think only my sister reads my blog anymore. Maybe she is the only one???)

Friday, September 18, 2009

This'll give you the creeps

Praying mantis...


Doesn't matter. The bigger, the better. She's unstoppable!

Though Hyatt found the praying mantis, Tilly had the courage to catch it. I've always been a little afraid of these bugs because they're so aggressive and their spiky arms are a bit intimidating. This one was HUGE too!

And mean.

Did you know their pinch hurts worse than an immunization shot?

That's what Tilly tells me, and she just got 4 shots at once, so she should know. But do you think that deterred her? Not a chance. She just yelped while it pinched her and chewed a little slit in her finger, but she didn't care. I had to flick her finger to get the little monster to stop biting her since Tilly didn't seem to be too interested in self-preservation. I mean, look at it! It's biting her AND pinching her with both arms!

Do you know what they do when they feel threatened? I'll show you.

Boy did this thing have the right to feel threatened! Talea is vicious to bugs. I think she's even more ruthless than Daisha was. She plays with them until their legs are sticking out at odd angles

or their antennas and legs are falling off. Hyrum, who HATES bugs, even starts to feel sorry for them and makes Talea release them so they can limp off to their families and go collect disability in the bug world.

But Tilly ADORES bugs,

and I just don't have the heart to take them away from her, even when she's being too "loving" or careless. Bugs are pestilence, afterall. One less is fine with me. I'm just glad she's tough and doesn't run screaming when a 4-inch bug with spikes, large mandibles and an audible "back-off" noise is touching her.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9 years ago today...

Hyrum proposed to me.

He took me up Iron Mountain on horseback around sunset to pop the question.

When we got to the top, he told me "nature was calling" (that was his "creative" way of getting privacy to get an engagement ring out of his saddlebag without me knowing), so I headed toward some rocks in a clearing to wait, but there was a skunk running around. Great, stuck between a skunk and a guy peeing.

Okay, pause the story while I go off on a different tangent. Skunks seem to be almost magnetically attracted to our family, so it has become our family mascot. I know, weird. But if you think about it...

-When I met Hyrum, he was driving semi for Dick Simon, and the logo on their trucks is a skunk.

-When he proposed to me, a skunk crossed my path just before the proposal.

-Our indoor dogs (Miniature Pinschers) got sprayed by a skunk while outside doing their business, so that night became their first night of becoming outdoor dogs. They're still outdoors, though we will have to move them indoors when we move to snowy Idaho. It took FOREVER (and tons of baths in skunk-odor-removal liquid and various other concoctions) before we could bear to be around them.

-In the spring of 2008, a skunk became trapped in the raccoon trap right outside our front door (we'd been having problems with raccoons stealing our cat food by our door), thus trapping us in our apartment until Hyrum shot it, which only caused it to leak it's acutely pungent stink all over our porch. It still faintly reeks of skunk over a year later. Yeah, there's a post about it, but I don't have the time to find it to link you to it. Sorry.

-We pet the skunks at the Wild Animal Park in Bandon.

-The area in which we live was formerly referred to as "Skunk Hollow".

-The other night Hyrum spotted a skunk out by our big house, so we all watched helplessly as it decided to take up residence under the house (it had moved the covers that were over the foundation vents). A few day later, I was cleaning the cars outside when suddenly the dreaded stink of skunk filled my nostrils. It came and went, and even Hyrum smelled it up in the apartment. In perfect jinx fashion, the vile vermin had blown a stink bomb under our the middle of the day...WITH our belongings inside that we planned to yard sale and/or pack for our move. It's been airing for days, and I'm crossing my fingers that there's hope on the horizon of the fumes clearing completely.

-I guess you could say that some, if not all, of our household can give off a pretty good impression of a skunk on occasion.

So, disgusting as they smell, could there be a more appropriate mascot for our family? I mean, it has to be at least AS interesting at the badger, which would be Daisha's family mascot if I could pick one for her.

So back to our proposal story...

Hyrum was expecting a huge moon to rise that night since the moon had been impossibly enormous the night before when it rose, so when the skunk had passed, and he had sneakily retrieved the token of his commitment from the saddle bag (which he had had in his possession for a year and a half waiting for me to be ready to marry him), he joined me at the clearing. We sat and chatted and cuddled. I was thinking it was getting a little dark and we should be heading back to camp, and Hyrum thinking "WHY THE HECK ISN'T THE DANG MOON RISING?!" Finally, he gave up on the moon, and since we were both sitting on the ground, he skipped the tradition of getting down on one knee and just pulled me on his lap instead and proceeded with the proposal.

When he started professing his love and spouting off promises to me, I realized what was happening. I had suspected he was going to pop the question when we got up there, but true to my nature, I doubted that anyone, let alone him (since I had emotionally abused him for over a year), would ever actually want to commit to me forever (and ever) when it boiled down to actually saying the 4 magic words.

Honestly, I don't remember a word Hyrum said. I don't know if he said "will you marry me" or "will you be mine for eternity" or any other coined question. My mind was a confusing buzz of a second guesses and a million questions: This is forever, am I ready to commit?...Is this truly the man I know I should be with for eternity?...Am I ready to be married?...Does he love me enough to stay with me forever and not repeat his parents' history?

On and on the questions and thoughts swirled through my head. Oh, I heard the words he was speaking; I just can't remember any of them anymore. I've always been afraid of marriage because of the prevalence of divorce, and he had scared me a couple of times with concerns he had toward marriage as a result of his parents' relationship that he was raised around. I knew I was supposed to marry him; the Holy Ghost had made that clear to me. I simply remained terrified of abandonment and worried that he, or anyone for that matter, would find it difficult to remain in love with me forever. Thankfully, in my opinion, I had put Hyrum through the ringer during our year-and-a-half of dating, so I had some measure of confidence that if he could/would stick with me through all the emotional torture my on again/off again commitment gave him, he would stick with me forever.

I'm kicking myself for not writing down his promises!!! I do know he promised to love me forever and be a good husband and father, and I'm holding him to it. So far, he's been good for his word.

Obviously, I ended up saying yes to him, and it felt so right that it took my worries away. We got back on our horses (in the still-moonless night) and headed back for camp. It was too dark to see anything when we got in the trees, but luckily, the horses knew how to find camp so we let them take us home and didn't have to worry about a wrong turn.

The end...of the proposal anyway. Sadly, all my pictures to document this momentus occasion aren't digital, and I don't have a scanner (mine is broken), so this post will remain pictureless until...?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Video overload

This post is strictly videos, but I wanted to post them so you could see the kids riding their bikes.

We've taken them riding 3 times now, and by now they're getting really good.

Day 1: They learned to ride on the grass of the football field.

Day 2: Tilly started out on the grass but upgraded to pavement later and learned to stop without crashing.

Day 2: Hyatt had the guts to start out on the pavement and he learned to stop also.

Day 3: They were racing, starting by themselves and coasting.

Kiersa was part of the biking action too. I wanted to show you guys how when she sees I have a camera in my hand, she immediately says, "cheese!" Listen close, she says it first thing when you press play.

In this one you get to see how she's always chewing on her tongue.

Paisli hung out in her stroller while we helped the big kids, but she remained happy. She's ALWAYS happy and smiling. You can see her two bottom teeth when she smiles, though the second one had barely popped through at the time of this video.

Irish twins

I catch my little girls like this all the time.

Kiersa always crawls in Paisli's bassinet to play with her little sister, or she lays next to her on the floor or the bed.

Sometimes Paisli would prefer her poking/proding/kissing/slapping/hugging/smashing big-sister (Kiersa) would leave her alone.

Hmmm, looks like she had a similar sentiment in the hospital bassinet.

But usually, she's fine with it.

Kiersa loves to pretend she's Paisli. I caught her imitating Paisli the other day (though by the time I got it on video, I had to have her recreate it).

Sometimes I can't believe I have 4 kids!!!

iPhone to the rescue

How do you change the mood of Hyrum's offspring?

Give them technology to play with!!!

Our Lady of the Dunes

Just in case you're tearing it up on the dunes and feel the sudden need to light a candle, you're in luck!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh rats!

How do you know you're going bald?

When you come away from your shower with a rat this size...EVERY DAY!

The only thing that keeps me from panic, is the knowledge that it's growing back. I look like a stinking hedgehog!